Boundaries for Athletes

What is biohacking for athletes?*
Biohacking, the practice of using science and technology to optimize the body and mind, has become increasingly popular among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. By using advanced techniques and tools, biohackers aim to improve their performance, recovery, and overall health and wellbeing. Here are a few services Boundaries offers for athletes and fitness enthusiasts:
  • BEMER PEMF —increase microcirculation & blood flow for increased delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells
  • Whole Body Cryotherapy—rapid body temperature drop for reduced inflammation and muscle soreness: increased metabolism
  • Red Light Therapy— increased energy (ATP) to the cells to facilitate healing
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT)— increase oxygen to cells by 400-500% for peak performance & recovery
  • Dry Floating Therapy —zero gravity experience for mind body decompression and healing
  • Normatec Compression Therapy— pulsed air compression therapy for peak performance & recovery; lymphatic movement and reduce soreness
Improved Athletic Performance
One of the primary benefits of biohacking for athletes and fitness enthusiasts is improved athletic performance. By using advanced tools and techniques, biohackers can optimize their training routines, improve their nutrition, and enhance their recovery time, all of which can lead to improved performance on the field or in the gym.

*Authored by John Murphy,