Wellness Without Boundaries

Exploring whole body wellness practices from the inside out

Welcome to Boundaries Mind Body Wellness!  

March 30, 2023

Boundaries Mind Body Wellness Spa was borne from our desire to bring peace and healing into the lives of the people in our community. Jen’s April 2022, middle of the night, divine impression for #healingthenations, provoked a deep dive into the study of the proactive wellness world. She continued her study until she was overwhelmed with a calm confidence. It was time to bring this dream to fruition—resolute to offer a space where individuals of all ages and backgrounds can come to escape from the pressures and stresses of life…even just for a short time each week.

Our names are Jen Furness and Jeanie Fountain. We are twins in every way...almost! We, as sisters, have spent most of our adult lives as health and wellness warriors! We are both Occupational Therapists, professional Network Marketers, seasoned public speakers, John Maxwell certified life coaches, trained Kaasen CryoScultpting technicians, local entrepreneurs, wives, moms and above all—we love Jesus! Our excitement to serve our community with this one of a kind and first to market Wellness Spa can hardly be contained!    

Why the name Boundaries?

The world we live in is overstimulated and overconnected. The average person’s tank is running on empty with very few opportunities to refuel and rejuvenate the spirit. Since the Covid pandemic, studies show that anxiety and depression are at an all-time high. Americans are in constant motion, and lives are full of commitments and distractions. We have this overwhelming sense that something needs to change.  So we created a space where the whole purpose is to slow down and take care of the body, mind and spirit.

Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live. ~ Jim Rohn

The mission of Boundaries Mind Body Wellness is to bring peace and a sense of decompression from the pressures of life while visiting our space. Uniquely, Boundaries is a no-phone zone providing a digital detox. During this time, clients will immerse themselves in optimal self-care while utilizing a wide array of state-of-the-art equipment and modalities designed to reduce stress and improve vitality.  

Boundaries is a membership-based community. This model allows our members to schedule appointments to a wide array of services via our branded, online app at a ridiculously reasonable price. It also promotes and encourages our members to come often and stay for as long as they like! Please visit our membership pricing page to learn more and sign-up today!

Health is like money; we never know the true idea of its value until we lose it. ~ Josh Billings